I am sitting here feeling so blessed again. I receive a note saying that I have a package or pick up a letter at the mailbox and somebody has blessed our ministry and our kids again. It is just so exciting to be a part of a ministry where people understand the vision, the need and want to play a role in helping out.

This isn’t an isolated incident either. We have received coats and gloves and scarves and hats. Quilts have been delivered in mass quantities and also shipped through the mail to cover dorm beds at night. People have collected clothing for us like pants, shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts. I have gotten countless packs of ramen noodles and hot cocoa and candy and tea and cappuccino mix. There have been Wal-Mart gift cards and Subway cards and checks and cash to help out with feeding kids when I take them to church on the weekends. The family of God has been astounding in their generosity with our students.

Thank you to all who have given in the past. We are so thrilled to be partnering with all of you in reaching and serving American Indian youth with the love of Christ.